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Happy comfortable feet. 

Reflexology works on reflex points of the feet which are reflected in the body and has a balancing effect on the body, stimulating the bodies own healing reflex and encouraging the body to return to health and help the body relax. The feet are the microcosm of the the body which is the macrocosm.

It helps maintain general health, decreases stress and congestion in the energy pathways. Helps boost circulation of blood and lymph. Increases energy levels and improves mental alertness. it helps to regulate bodily functions such as digestive, endocrine, respiratory and excretory systems.


Ante Natal Reflexology is also available.

benefits include helping to reduce morning sickness, heartburn and indigestion, constipation and haemorrhoids, low back pain, labour sciatica and sympysis pubis diastasis.

after birth it can help encourage milk production. 


Metamorphic Technique as it relates to the feet is included in every reflexology session at unity health. This helps to free energy blocks in the bodies energy pattern. It works along the spinal reflex of the foot. It is very gentle and relaxing.


Also included in every session is the method of reading the feet to get further insight as to what is happening for you in your relationship with your environment, yourself and those closest to you. 

Reflexology : Services
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