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PODO Rhacidian Therapy

Cranial and vertebral PODO-Rhacidian Mobilisation is  very gentle and effective therapy to help with back pain and discomfort. It refers to the functional interconnection and inter-relationship of the musculo-skeletal and energetic systems of the body. Its focus is primarily on the structural axis of the body that is the cranium, spine, sacrum and the pelvis and its relationship via the nerve plexuses and meridians, with the energetic and functional efficiency of the organ systems.


Simple and gentle analytical methods are employed to detect spinal and cranial lesions. These are then released through mobilisation of the fingers and toes. In this way reflexive physical tension that has been relayed from the spine along the nerve plexuses and held within the body may be released. It is a gentle treatment used for all ages.


There is also a PODO method to help the sinus and tonsil pathways.Some sinus problems can be caused by slight structural mis-alignment of the cranium and when this is realigned it can free the sinus and clear the sinus tonsil pathway in the body.

PODO : Services
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