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Welcome To Unity Health

Reflexology, Phytobiophysics, Homeopathy, PODO Rhacidian Therapy, Energy work, structural realignment, neurological pathway correction.

At Unity Health, we aim to provide quality and comprehensive health and wellness services in order to help all of our clients reach an overall state of well-being in both body, mind and spirit. All therapies mentioned here are designed to work as complementary and supportive to standard medical or veterinary therapies. They are not meant as a replacement. Unity health is not trained in medical or veterinary practice, we do not take the place of your GP or Vet.

We have two clinics, one for people:

One for dogs. 

Location: Moorefield house, Boley, Abbeyleix, R32NW86. 

No healing can take place without Love. To thine own self be true and thou canst be false to anyone. The first rule is Love thyself, love your neighbour as thyself. The first work to do is love yourself. This will remove the greatest obstruction to good health.


What is the main difference between a human and an animal is a question often asked. I can find but one difference, we the people are the one creature of creation that can help one another and our animal friends or, we are the one creature that can take the whole lot of us into destruction. No other being on this planet has this ability. From all other aspects we are the same.  

Our clinics help our clients to have a more comfortable, joyful life. 

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Services We Offer

The following is available at our people clinic Moorefield house.



Reflexology works on reflex points of the feet which are reflected in the body and has a balancing effect on the body, stimulating the bodies own healing reflex and encouraging the body to return to health and help the body relax. The feet are the microcosm of the the body which is the macrocosm.

Yellow and Purple Flowers


Safe for all age groups. Phytobiophysics is a vibrational therapy and works on all levels of the person, physical, emotional, subconscious and spiritual level.



Bottles of Homeopathy Globules


Effective non chemical way of treating aliments of the body. This is providing the body with information obtained from diluting a substance that has the symptom picture of an illness or injury and in taking this into the body this then stimulates the bodies own healing response. Like cures like.




PODO Rhacidian Therapy

Cranial and vertebral PODO-Rhacidian Mobilisation is  very gentle and effective therapy to help with back pain and discomfort.

Anatomy Drawing

Emmett Technique

Eases pain and restriction of movement in a very gentle manner through the stimulation of the neurological pathway. 

Reiki Treatment

Energy and crystal therapy. 

Energy healing  is the freeing of blockages in body by the movement of the  electromagnetic energy of the client. 

Surreal Flower

Bach Flower Remedies.

These flower Remedies were developed by Dr Edward Bach. The purpose of these remedies is to support the fight against illness by addressing the emotional factors like depression, anxiety and trauma that impede physical healing.

Dog's Portrait

Animal treatments. 

We specialise working with dogs and horses. Treatments offered include, skeletal realignment, phytobiophysics, homeopathy, Emmett technique, Trigger Point therapy, and energy healing.


Geopathic stress assessment 

Geopathic stress can be caused by earth energy lines. We look at curry grid and hartman grid. Plus underground water. Methodology:Prior to visit forward, 
Map of house or area to be examined. Soil samples of fields that require attention. Decision will then be made as to whether a visit would be helpful or not. Aim to 1: correct earth energy line flow. 2: increase vibration through use of phytobiophysics and Homeopathy for the land. 3: put a plan in place to maintain good energy flow throughout the property and or land. 


Gift vouchers available. 

If you would like to order a voucher, send a submission form or phone me and I will get back to you and arrange to send it to you via post. 

Interested in learning more about the services we offer? Get in touch today!

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Leg Injury

More About Us

At Unity Health, we sincerely care about your well-being. Since opening up shop in 2006, we’ve been working closely with our valued clients in order to provide them with exactly what they need to feel healthier, happier and more relaxed.

We take pride in taking the time to understand what each client needs in order to reach wellness. We use a muscle testing technique to tailor treatment that best suits your bodies requirements at that particular time. This works on the principle that the body cannot lie. It works on assessing information from the subconscious of both the client and the therapist. Your subconscious mind will also know what a family member too young or too sick to have a muscle test or an animal in your care will need and so you can act as proxy if necessary.


Anne Marie Cannon is a registered practitioner with the Irish Reflexology Institute. This means that it is possible to claim money back for a session through your health insurance. She is recognised by the following companies.

Irish Health life, VHI, Laya health care, and Glo Health. You need to phone your own provider with your details and enquire about your specific health insurance package to see what you are covered for. Do not forget to ask for your receipt.

When attending Unity Health you can choose to have a muscle test to determine if a return visit would be helpful, and if so for a return visit date. This works while in treatment for a specific problem and also on a maintenance of health level. Or you can set the return date yourself, this is your choice.

 Unity Health is ready to help you. Thank you so much for being here. Look forward, should there be a need to be of service to you.

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It's the ropes and the reins and joy and the pain and they call the thing rodeo. 

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Anne Marie Cannon

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